
sAvInG tHe TiMeLiNe

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▲: hOnK

▼: Aw hey, me!
▼: I see you still got that motherfuckin quirk.

▲: fUcK yEaH mAn

▼: Bro you gotta stop usin that, best friend don't up and like it.
▼: Ain't he always sayin you're all up and annoying as shit?
▼: I don't wanna annoy no motherfuckers. :o(

▲: YeAh, EsPeCiAlLy KaRkAt. :o(

▼: Yeah. He's always got my motherfuckin back, you know?
▼: So I figure he don't like the way I type, I can up and try some different shit.

▲: WeLl, If ItS fOr KaRkAt I gUeSs I cAn gIvE iT a MoThErfUcKiNg ShOt

▼: It's pretty easy, brother!
▼: Specially since I just don't feel all motherfuckin whimsical too much no more.

▲: FuCk MaN, wHaT aLl HaPpEnEd?

▼: And if your heart ain't in how you type you ain't gotta up and type like that, you know?
▼: Well
▼: Shit went down, bro. :o(
▼: Baaaaaad shit.
▼: I, uh...
▼: Up and killed a couple motherfuckers.

▲: ShIt BrOtHeR!

▼: Wicked motherfuckin true, bro.

▲: wHy DiD yOu Go AnD dO tHaT fOr?

▼: Turns out there's some nasty shit up in this motherfuckin thinkpan of ours!
▼: Ran outta sopor and it all up and got loose. Made me do some stuff I wish I ain't up and done.
▼: But it's chill now. You all up and met those human motherfuckers yet?

▲: FuCk YeAh! ThEyRe SoMe PrEtTy ChIlL mOtHeRfUcKeRs! :o)

▼: Well they got the motherfuck over to our motherfuckin session, bro! Some bitchin plan they up and had!
▼: Fuuuuuck they look weird in person.
▼: Motherfuckin miracles, how a motherfucker can even up and look like that, haha!

▲: WoAh MaN, tHaTs SoMe MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLe RiGhT tHeRe.

▼: Anyway, they brought me some of these wicked miracle human pills, made me feel a whole lot better.
▼: So uuuuh, just know it all up and turns out chill in the end!
▼: Aside from all the dead motherfuckers, anyway.

▲: SaY, iF iTs AlRiGhT fOr A mOtHeRfUcKeR tO bE aSkInG, wHo EnDeD uP GeTtInG kIlLeD?

▼: Oh.
▼: Well, uh...
▼: You know.
▼: Equius.
▼: And
▼: Uh
▼: Nepeta.
▼: And Feferi
▼: And Eridan
▼: And
▼: Someone else.

▲: sOmEoNe FuCkInG eLsE?

▼: Uh, nooooo.
▼: No, that was everybody!
▼: Shit, nobody else up and died, brother!
▼: Hahaha! :o)

▲: nAw MaN, dOnT bE hIdInG aNyThInG fRoM mE. wErE lIkE bRoS aNd ShIt
▲: WhO eLsE?

▼: We...
▼: We lost Tav, bro.
▼: I don't even know who up and killed him.
▼: I can't remember and nobody's motherfuckin tellin me.
▼: And I'm real scared it mighta been me. :o(
▼: Sorry...

▲: nO fUcKiNg WaY. nOt OuR cHiLlEsT mOtHeRfUcKeR... :o(
▲: sHiT mAn...

▼: I didn't mean to, brother, there was something motherfuckin wrong with me!
▼: Fuuuuck I can't believe this even all up and happened.

▲: FuCk MaN, iM nOt BlAmInG yOu Or AnYtHiNg
▲: MiGhT nOt HaVe EvEn BeEn Us

▼: Yeah.
▼: I'm really hoping it wasn't.
▼: Just up and praying about that shit, don't let it be me.
▼: But uh
▼: I ain't praying to myself because I ain't under no confusion about who I up and am, just to be real motherfuckin clear.

▲: AfTeR aLl, We KnOw SoMe PrEtTy MeSsEd Up MoThErFuCkErS
▲: CoUlDvE bEeN aNy Of ThEm

▼: Yeah, could have been any one of those motherfuckers.
▼: Eridan or Vriska or anybody.
▼: Shiiiit, I wish I'd got them before they up and got him.
▼: If I had to go crazy why couldn't I up and protect my best motherfucker?

▲: DoNt FuCkInG kNoW mAn
▲: :o(

▼: Bro, you're all up in my past, right?
▼: Maybe you can get the wicked fix on with this shit, is ain't up and happened to you yet!

▲: FuCk YeAh MaN! mAyBe YoUrE rIgHt! :o)

▼: Hahaha, this could work, brother!
▼: We just gotta find what up and went wrong, and make it go motherfuckin right!

▲: ShIt MaN, tHiS iS tHe BeSt FuCkInG pLaN eVeR!

▼: Gamzee my brother, we are a motherfuckin genius! Honk! :o)

▲: fUcK yEaH bRoThEr! HoNk HoNk! :o)

▼: Aight motherfucker, are you ready to SAVE TIME?
▼: Cause it up and needs some motherfuckin saving!

▲: YoU fUcKiNg KnOw It MaN!

▼: Bitchin.
▼: So wait how do we do that.
▼: Fuuuuuck okay I don't even up and know what went wrong that first motherfuckin time.
▼: Somethin about sopor or some shit?

▲: fUcK mAn, I dOnT kNow.
▲: bUt I tHiNk Im RuNnInG oUt Of ThAt ShIt :o(

▼: Aw shit, yeah, that was it.
▼: Don't run out, bro!
▼: You gotta save that shit, else you turn into an unchill murderin motherfucker!

▲: YoU fUcKiNg GoT iT bRo!

▼: It's just gotta up and last til those human motherfuckers get here, so get your ration on with that shit, I dunno.

▲: AlRiGhT, iLl Be SaViNg ThAt ShIt UnTiL tHoSe MoThErFuCkErS sHoW uP!

▼: Chill, brother. You up and do that!
▼: Next order of the motherfuckin SAVE TIME business!
▼: We gotta up and figure out who got their murder on with our bro Tavros!
▼: And make sure that don't fuckin happen.

▲: dEfInAtElY

▼: Awww man bro, how do we know which motherfucker killed him?
▼: Anybody acting all suspicious and shit over when you are?

▲: nOt ThAt I fUcKiNg KnOw Of.
▲: AlThOuGh ErIdAn Is AcTiNg KiNdA fUnKy AnD sHiT

▼: Aw shiiiit, maybe it's Eridan!
▼: Bro we gotta stop him!

▲: hOw Do We FuCkInG dO iT?

▼: Uuuuuuh
▼: Throw a horn at him!

▲: tHaTs FuCkInG bRiLlIaNt!

▼: I cannot even up and think of a motherfucking reason why that wouldn't work.

▲: NeItHEr CaN i. :o)

▼: Well brother, did it up and work?

▲: WeLl He CeRtAiNlY sEeMs AnGrY aT mE

▼: Aw shit.
▼: He must be too motherfuckin powerful or some shit!

▲: fUuUuUuUcK!

▼: Quick bro, throw more motherfuckin horns!!! Do:

▲: iM tHrOwInG bRo! Im FuCkInG tHrOwInG!

▼: Shiiiiit what are we gonna do!!!!

▲: fUcK bRo I dOnT kNoW!

▼: Wait wait bro I got this I have motherfucking got a fuckin brilliant idea!
▼: If pie kept us from all up and bein a murderin motherfucker, maybe it'll up and work on him too!
▼: Throw pie at him, brother!

▲: yOu FuCkInG gOt It!
▲: AlRiGhT, iT fUcKiNg WoRkEd!

▼: Fuck yes!

▲: TaVrOs HaS bEeN fUcKiNg SaVeD!

▼: Gamzee my motherfucking past self, we just up and saved time!
▼: Saved the motherfuckin shit out of it!

▲: iF tHaTs NoT a MiRaClE tHeN i DoNt KnOw WhAt Is!

▼: Brother, you know that's a motherfuckin miracle, what we up and did.

▲: HoNk! :o)

▼: Honk! :o)
▼: Well, I'll see you around, motherfucker.
▼: In the future, when you're me, I guess!

▲: SeE yOu FuCkInG lAtEr BrOtHeR!

▼: Don't go killin any motherfuckers! :o)
The other user has left
Why is it that whenever I play as Gamzee, I always find another Gamzee? And they are always the best chats I have on Zingled? XD

But regardless, past and future Gamzee team up to save the timeline! :iconanimefaceplz:

Unfortunately we all know how it's gonna turn out. :(

Past Gamzee played by- :iconsabakunoshaara:
Future Gamzee played by-?
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PPG-RRB-Fan's avatar
That's brilliant! :D
Too bad it still happens...